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What specific version of Windows are you using?
It sounds like the Chinese text is perhaps not UTF-8 encoded? but if that's the case then maybe you don't have the "Character encoding" set correctly for the Site Profile.
If you could provide a full copy of the session log from the status window within FlashFXP it might be very helpful.
Here's what I did to test it.
I took a random Chinese string from the Simplified Chinese translation in FlashFXP "-- 将已标记的列表导出到剪贴板" and created a folder with this name on the server, entered the folder and created a bookmark. (the full path is "/temp/-- 将已标记的列表导出到剪贴板/")
Now I changed back into / and used the bookmark I just created and FlashFXP successfully changes into "/temp/-- 将已标记的列表导出到剪贴板/". I also restarted FlashFXP and tested again to confirm that it worked after the bookmark was saved and reloaded from disk.