Active mode
MxxCon , Thank you for your response.
As I indicated , I can connect in Active mode using the FileZilla client and Windows Explorer.
I have access to many other networks and could connect in Active mode using the FileZilla client and Windows Explorer.
Moreover I have many other servers with FTP in Active mode only and have not had any issues with FileZilla client and Windows Explorer.
Typically on routers /Firewalls , we configure outbound to be any any.
I have not had to NAT or forward port 22 to a specific IP.
It is my understanding that once an internal IP connects to an external IP ( regardless of protocol). Stickiness on the routers /Firewall kicks in and all traffic on any port is routed from that external IP address to the initiating internal IP address.
I dare say that this is some config issue in FlashXP
Will look into SSH/SFTP
Thank you