Originally posted by ddeca
First the dupe exlude...
If you upload a DIR to lets say /mp3
then it's logged in DUPEDIR and NEWDIR
Then 2 days later u want to move it move it to /archive
then you cant even if you have set
ND_NOLOG(DIRS) "*/archive/*"
since that file is in DUPEDIR it wont be allowed
What we need is the Dupe check to be disabled on /archive
Hope u understand what i mean ...
And now the new version...
When I install the new version i get this error in systemerror.log
11-18-2003 19:11:49 "..\scripts\newdir\OnPreMkd.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "section": no such variable
while executing
"file exists $ND_PATH/bandir-${section}.cfg"
(procedure "check_bandir" line 9)
invoked from within
invoked from within
"if { $ND_DISABLE(bandir) == 0 } {
(file "..\scripts\newdir\OnPreMkd.itcl" line 74)
And the transfer hangs..
----EDIT---- got it to work... missed the case sensetive part 
so forget that second part of this reply
my temp fix is add a line in my init.tcl:
# setup here your VFS sections (except hidden sections like PRE)
set ND_SECTIONS "bla1 bla2 bla3"
set sections "bla1 bla2 bla3"
and then the 3.1.0 works fine here.