Okay.. I did a fresh install, of nothing but the basic latest ioFTPD, no scripts, nothing..
1. Logged in using ioFTPD/ioFTPD
2. site passwd (newpass)
3. disconnected and restarted ioFTPD from scratch (kill process & relaunch)
4. Logged in using new password for ioFTPD
5. site deluser darkone
6. disconnected and restarted ioFTPD from scratch (kill process & relaunch)
7. Logged in using new password for ioFTPD
8. site grpdel lSpeed
9. disconnected and restarted ioFTPD from scratch (kill process & relaunch)
And that's when it gives me the error.. everytime.. tried it 4 times.. tried it by had the way I described here and with using ioGUI.. always gives me the same error..
The instruction at "0x77f83905" referenced memory at "0x00000000". The memory could not be "written"
Click on OK to terminate the program
any suggestions? or can anyone duplicate this error?