View Full Version : ioCMDNew Beta
09-17-2003, 12:04 PM
ioCMDNew v1.3
Here is my version of the "SITE NEW" script called "ioCMDNew".
It returns a list of latest folders/releases uploaded to your site.
Added "RESCAN" of ioFTPD.log file. Just rename or delete your ioCMDNew.log , and login and make a "site new". Now you have scaned the whole ioftpd.log and made a new ioCMDNew.log file.
Small speed-up of the code.
Changed layout, now centering Owner and Group and removed "/" between Owener/group.
Changed "AGE" to count Days,Hours,Minutes from upload instead of BORING date stamp, looks little like glFPTd site new output now ( not MUTCH but a alittle ;) ) ..
Only ONE script now ( killed the itcl script )
Beta 1.1
FIX : Wrong path in my code ( sorry )
Usage : Type "site new" in raw site command to ioFTPD , and the 10 newest releases will be listed... BUT only the 10 newest SINCE you installed "ioCMDNew" .. ioCMDNew will record up to 1000 releases and then it "cycles" .. så "site new 1000" is the higest you can get.
( latest version can be found at "www.ioftpd/scripts" )
09-17-2003, 10:38 PM
I tried to use it, but when I create a new directory, the server popup a windows "Runtime Error 53:File not found".
my ioftpd is installed on d:\ioftpd, and I have your scripts installed on d:\ioftpd\scripts\iocmdnew
my iocmdnew.ini:
# path to your ioFTPd #
# list your sections with SPACE as separator. #
sections=Games Software Movies Anime Other
# List section paths in the same order as abow #
#section_paths="E:\ftp.server\Games" "E:\ftp.server\Software" "E:\ftp.server\Movies" "E:\ftp.server\Anime" "E:\ftp.server\Others"
# avoid these dirs, separate with SPACE #
avoid=CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 CD5 CD6 DISC1 DISC2 SAMPLE sample Sample COVER Cover cover
09-18-2003, 03:20 PM
The 2 last options "section_paths=" and "avoid=" is "garbage" that i left behinde , i used it in erlier tests .. put a "#" before ...
---- iocmdnew.ini ----
# path to your ioFTPd #
# list your sections with SPACE as separator. #
# List section paths in the same order as abow #
#section_paths="c:\ftp\DVDR" "c:\ftp\XXX" "d:\ftp\VCD" "r:\ftp\SVCD"
# avoid these dirs, separate with SPACE #
#avoid=CD1 CD2 CD3 CD4 DISC1 DISC2 SAMPLE sample Sample
And did you change the path in ioCMDnew.itcl to :
set top "d:/ioFTPD/Scripts/ioCMDNew/iocmdnew.log" ?
Your ioftpd.ini ought to look like this :
mkd = d:\ioFTPD\Scripts\iocmdnew\iocmdnew.exe newdir
;rmd =
;stor =
;dele =
## SITE <script> <parameters>
# !file = Show file
# @string = Alias
# %file = Execute file (translate cookies)
# file = Execute file
EXEC = ..\scripts\exec.bat
HELP = !..\help\help.msg
WKUP = @stats wkup
WKDN = @stats wkdn
TEST = ..\scripts\test.bat
NEW = d:\ioFTPD\scripts\iocmdnew\iocmdnew.itcl test
## SITE <cmd> ##
# 'M' - MASTER
new = !A *
Your iocmdnew.itcl should look like this in the beggining :
#set binary(WINRAR) "C:/program files/winrar/winrar.exe"
## Change "set top" path.
set top "d:/ioFTPD/Scripts/ioCMDNew/iocmdnew.log"
## Main script starts here!
the "#set binary(WINRAR) "C:/program " is as before Only for test purpose .. put a "#" before if you diden't ....
This is just a beta .. so i will "clean" up more for version 1.0 .. sorry for that ..
I think you did not set right path somewere ...
I hope this solves the problem .. It works for me .. Try and then tell me if it works ?
// Scull
09-18-2003, 09:13 PM
err... your recommanded setting is the same from my exist settings...but it still not working ...:(
09-19-2003, 11:53 AM
Oooopppzzz .. ;) . My fault ! .. Now i have updated Beta 1.0 to 1.1 HOPEFULLY working now :) ..
Thanks for feedback! ..
( look in FIRST post for the new version B1.1 )
// Scull
09-23-2003, 02:03 AM
:D it seems works fine now.
10-14-2003, 10:28 AM
Hi ..
I have been working on this new v1.0 FiNAL of my ioCMDNew script, and here is the result!
Thanx to ADDICT who showed me how to put text to the ioFTPD "console" with VB! ..
So now i skipped the iTCL script and implemented everything into ONE program.
( the program is posted in the first "post" )
// Scull
10-18-2003, 06:59 PM
In this picture the new v1.2 layout is shown.
Download the new v1.2 from the first "post".
// Scull
10-19-2003, 02:39 AM
Originally posted by Scull
In this picture the new v1.2 layout is shown.
Download the new v1.2 from the first "post".
// Scull
nice work, thank you.:D
10-19-2003, 04:28 AM
Thanx stLancer :D
I'm working on a "rescan" feature, It will scan WHOLE ioFTPd.log and create a new ioCMDNew.log with ALL dirs/folders created.
10-19-2003, 11:11 AM
New version v1.3.
New Version =>
Now RESCAN of WHOLE ioftpd.log is possible.
If no ioCMDNew.log is present when a "site new" is executed, a new ioCMDNew.log will be generated from the ioFTPD.log file.
So delete or rename your old ioCMDNew.log and fireup a "site new" .. and there you are... Next time a "site new" is made it will display all dirs/folder created on the server.
Appreciate the without a hitch so far..using 1.3.
Tnx again..
01-25-2004, 04:38 AM
Hi Del !
Thanx :) .. :D :p
Would it be a good idea to make ioCMDNew ONLY to display new files in the patricular section you are in ?
i meen , if you are in "xxx" section , only diplay new folders made in "xxx" ? ... And if you are in the ftp root you get them all ?
02-15-2004, 04:14 PM
when I try site new I get the following error..
Run-time error '62':
Input past end of file
any idea's why? I checked all my settings and it seems to be fine.
02-16-2004, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by CustomElement
when I try site new I get the following error..
Run-time error '62':
Input past end of file
any idea's why? I checked all my settings and it seems to be fine.
Try to delete the iocmdnew.log file .. login again and try one "site new" .. This will scan the ioFTPD.log and create a new iocmdnew.log file .. then try "site new" again .. Then is should be fine .. :)
02-17-2004, 11:11 AM
I have tried this several times.. always get the same error.. the log file it generates is alwasy 0 byes. I read in some of the previous posts about a .itcl file.. the 1.3 zip didnt come with a .itcl.. could this be the problem?
02-17-2004, 12:27 PM
Hi! ..
1.3 doesent have any .itcl script, i integrated everything into a single VB program. Have you installed VB libraries ?
Please show me your ioCMDNew.ini ..
My ioCMDNew.ini looks like this :
# path to your ioFTPd #
# list your sections with SPACE as separator. #
sections=dvdr xxx vcd games mp3 xbox tvrip svcd xvid apps
Check if [end] is the LAST line .. There must NOT be more lines under [end].
My ioFTPD.ini looks like:
dele = EXEC c:\ioftpd\scripts\ioZS\ioZS.exe Delete
mkd = EXEC ..\Scripts\iocmdnew\iocmdnew.exe newdir
;mkd =
;rmd =
;stor =
;dele =
## SITE <trigger> <parameters>
# trigger = !file # Show file
# trigger = @string # Alias
# trigger = EXEC script.exe # Execute file.exe
# trigger = %EXEC script.exe # Execute file.exe (translate cookies)
# trigger = TCL script.itcl # Execute file.itcl
## Examples
# welcome = !..\text\ftp\welcome.msg
# rehash = @config rehash
# exec = EXEC ..\scripts\exec.bat
# myinfo = %TCL ..\scripts\whoami.itcl %[$user]
# cat = TCL ..\scripts\showfile.itcl
#TCL = TCL ..\scripts\test2.itcl
#TCL = TCL ..\scripts\bottalk.itcl
#BAT = EXEC ..\scripts\test.bat
;WHO = TCL ..\scripts\swho\swho.itcl
NEW = EXEC ..\scripts\iocmdnew\iocmdnew.exe list
ioGuiWho = EXEC C:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioGuiExt\ioGuiWho.exe
ioGui = EXEC ..\scripts\ioGuiExt\ioGroups.exe
;xwho = EXEC ..\system\sitewho.exe
swho = EXEC ..\scripts\SiteWho\sitewho.exe show_hidden_users
xwho = EXEC ..\scripts\SiteWho\sitewho.exe template=2 all
who = EXEC ..\scripts\SiteWho\sitewho.exe template=2 all
version = TCL ..\scripts\version\OnSiteVersion.itcl
ioGuiExt = EXEC ..\scripts\ioGuiExt.exe
And i placed the ioCMDNew folder in ioftpd/scripts ..
02-17-2004, 02:45 PM
Mmmm .. sounds like som of the files loades is not as big as my program wants it to be ..
Make sure that you have a "[end]" at the bottom of your ioCMDNew.ini.
Try to delete the empty ioCMDNew.log file .. and load your favorite text edit program. And Cut/paste and save this ( ioCMDNew.log ) row WHIT A RETURN AFTER! :
02-17-2004 17:56:46 TEST iND dvdr Stop.With.The.Rls.Names.Already-SIGH
Ther should be 79 chars in that row. ( with spaces and all ).
Now log in at your ftp and type the raw command "site new".
NOW the new line is seen ( i hope :) ) ..
Try to make a TEST folder in one of your sections and then try the "site new" again.
MAYBE your ioFTPD.log is EMPTY of uploads... OR it is smaller than 400 Bytes ? ( i'm loading 400 bytes from the bottom of the ioFTPD.log file to get the newest row ).
02-17-2004, 03:14 PM
Strange that no-one else have problem ? ..
This is what a working "site new" ioCMDNew looks like :
200-| Listing The 10 Newest Releases |
200-| # | Age | Owner | Group | Section | Release |
200-[ 1 ] 3h 12m FRiEND iND dvdr |
200-[ 2 ] 2d 20h scull STAFF xxx|
200-[ 3 ] 2d 20h scull STAFF xxx|
200-[ 4 ] 2d 20h scull STAFF dvdr|
200-[ 5 ] 2d 20h scull STAFF xxx|
200-[ 6 ] 2d 23h scull STAFF xbox|
200-[ 7 ] 2d 23h scull STAFF xbox|
200-[ 8 ] 2d 23h scull STAFF xbox|
200-[ 9 ] 2d 23h scull STAFF xxx|
200-[10 ] 2d 23h scull STAFF xxx|
02-26-2004, 04:50 AM
Can't get this thing to work, Using 1.3.
when typing the command site new my ftp hangs and a popup comes with the text "Runtime Error '62': Input Past end Of file"
02-26-2004, 01:31 PM
Hmmm .. I wonder what i could be..
I dont' know why some DOESN't get it to work , but others are ?
1) Does the text "Please wait ,RESCAN in progress..." appear in your ftp client text window before runtime error ?
2) How large is your ioFTPD.log ? ( in bytes )
3) Have you had any uploads to your ioFTPD site ?
4) Please show me your ioCMDNew.ini file.
03-09-2004, 10:58 AM
Working very nicely, just one thing, it crashes when a dir is created in the root of the ftp.
03-11-2004, 12:53 AM
Problem noted! .. But who wants to add a dir under root from inside ioftpd ? :)
03-11-2004, 07:02 AM
Usually no-one, but it just doesn't look good when something crashes :P
And, I've had some problem with iocmdnew.exe taking 100% of cpu power. Don't know how to reproduce it yet. Running on win2k3.
Edit: I think it has to do something with badaas' banshit itcl that bans unwanted dirs (e.g., dirs with spaces). A user tries to make a dir, banshit denies it, but iocmdnew still tries to log it. Weird stuff happening then i guess :p
03-11-2004, 03:04 PM
;) ..
Thanx for telling me those bugs. If i re-writes ioCMDNew i will remedy them.
03-13-2004, 09:58 AM
Originally posted by CustomElement
when I try site new I get the following error..
Run-time error '62':
Input past end of file
any idea's why? I checked all my settings and it seems to be fine.
same problem here, tried everything mentioned in this thread.
any suggestions?
1) Does the text "Please wait ,RESCAN in progress..." appear in your ftp client text window before runtime error ?
No that appears after site new command and after the runtime error window is closed on the host machine. appears only if there is no *.log file (think thats the way it should be)
2) How large is your ioFTPD.log ? ( in bytes )
at the moment 19.951 Bytes
and yeah i tried to upload something, still the same problem with site new command
03-14-2004, 02:44 PM
Hi .. Hmm
If you add :
mkd = EXEC ..\Scripts\iocmdnew\iocmdnew.exe newdir
LAST instead of first under:
Does that change anything ? ...
Also try to use FULL path instead of "..\" in the ioFTPD.ini Like this
mkd = EXEC c:\ioFTPD\Scripts\iocmdnew\iocmdnew.exe newdir
One thing that is important is that you put an "[end]" last in the ioCMDNew.ini WITH NO LINE-FEED or RETURN after ..
It is obvious that i must rewrite this util when i find time for it :)
Hope that this will help you .. If you get it to work please mess me!
03-14-2004, 05:46 PM
thanks for your post, unfortunately it didnt help :(
so i will wait for your next version
good luck with your work and thanks a lot!
05-21-2004, 09:43 PM
Not working here at all. :(
[R] site new
[R] 550 Command failed.
[R] site new 10
[R] 550 Command failed.
[R] site config rehash
[R] 200 config Command successful.
[R] site new
[R] 550 Command failed.
[R] site new 10
[R] 550 Command failed.
;mkd =
;rmd =
;stor =
;dele =
pass = %EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.20.RC1\ioBanana.exe alert %[service($service)(users)] %[$service]
dele = EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.20.RC1\ioBanana.exe zsdel
mkd = EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.20.RC1\ioBanana.exe mkd
rmd = EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.20.RC1\ioBanana.exe dirlog
rnfr = EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.20.RC1\ioBanana.exe dirlog
rnto = EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.20.RC1\ioBanana.exe dirlog
cwd = EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.20.RC1\ioBanana.exe rules
site = EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.20.RC1\ioBanana.exe age uinfo
mkd = EXEC C:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioCMDNew.v1.3\iocmdnew.exe newdir
#new = EXEC ..\scripts\ioBanana.20.RC1\ioBanana.exe sitenew
NEW = ..\scripts\ioCMDNew.v1.3\iocmdnew.exe list
NEW = *
# path to your ioFTPd #
# list your sections with SPACE as separator. #
sections=24HrsThenGone Appz.0Day Appz.ISO Appz.Large Appz.Small Audio eBooks Gamez Movies.0Day Uploads
I just created a test dir and the iocmdnew.log file was made in C:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioCMDNew.v1.3 but site new cmd still doesn't work after rehash or restart ioFTPD. :o
05-21-2004, 11:33 PM
Usually no-one, but it just doesn't look good when something crashes :P
And, I've had some problem with iocmdnew.exe taking 100% of cpu power. Don't know how to reproduce it yet. Running on win2k3.
Edit: I think it has to do something with badaas' banshit itcl that bans unwanted dirs (e.g., dirs with spaces). A user tries to make a dir, banshit denies it, but iocmdnew still tries to log it. Weird stuff happening then i guess
Where can I find banshit? It's not listed at and google showed one page with a broken link. :o :rolleyes:
hi all
i do all you say...
and i test cmd !new after create some dir
ex: TEST 1 and TEST 2
iocmdnew.log are create in ..\scripts\ioCMDNew
check this out
06-03-2004 14:59:30 Me ADMiNS ANiM TES
06-03-2004 14:59:23 Me ADMiNS ANiM TES
but if i try cmd !new i see :
<^^HuHu> [OvErDoZ] :: [NEWDIR] + Latest 10 releases for section: all
<^^HuHu> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
<^^HuHu> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
so i test fxp dir with sfv but the same.
thanks to help a poor french smokerman :))
07-12-2004, 05:31 AM
workes fine here, but is it possible to have dir to be checked like /hdd1/bla/ ??? Cause its not working here with that. With /bla/ it works.
thx 4 helping
07-14-2004, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by LordM
workes fine here, but is it possible to have dir to be checked like /hdd1/bla/ ??? Cause its not working here with that. With /bla/ it works.
thx 4 helping
Hmm .. How do you meen ? .. ioCMDNew checks only for the "main" release dir. So all other SUB folders are NOT counted as releases , As "subs" , "samples" or "DVD1" and so on. It is built this way. Or how did you meen ?
// Scull
07-14-2004, 02:30 PM
I meant, ppl are allowed to create dirs in /upload/articles/ for example. And i wanted the Script to show the newest dirs inside "/upload/articles/".
But from your post I guess its not possile?
07-15-2005, 09:22 AM
Well, I admit I'm very new to this, so PICNIC may apply, but I just can't get this to work:
List Complete: 4 KB in 1.03 seconds (4.4 KB/s)
mkd = ..\Scripts\iocmdnew\iocmdnew.exe newdir
;mkd =
;rmd =
;stor =
;dele =
dele = EXEC ..\scripts\ioZS\ioZS.exe Delete
## SITE <trigger> <parameters>
# trigger = !file # Show file
# trigger = @string # Alias
# trigger = EXEC script.exe # Execute file.exe
# trigger = %EXEC script.exe # Execute file.exe (translate cookies)
# trigger = TCL script.itcl # Execute file.itcl
## Examples
# welcome = !..\text\ftp\welcome.msg
# rehash = @config rehash
# exec = EXEC ..\scripts\exec.bat
# myinfo = %TCL ..\scripts\whoami.itcl %[$user]
# cat = TCL ..\scripts\showfile.itcl
TCL = TCL ..\scripts\test2.itcl
#TCL = TCL ..\scripts\bottalk.itcl
BAT = EXEC d:\test.bat
ioGuiExt = EXEC d:\who\ioGuiExt.exe
rescan = EXEC ..\scripts\ioZS\ioZS.exe Rescan
help = TCL ..\scripts\ioHelp\ioHelp.itcl
NEW = ..\scripts\iocmdnew\iocmdnew.exe list
help = *
new = !A *
# path to your ioFTPd #
# list your sections with SPACE as separator. #
sections=MVIDS etc etc
Any help would be very much appreciated!
07-17-2005, 09:56 AM
New Version => => Link bad, arff ...
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