View Full Version : iojBNC
standalone bnc tester
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with ncftpls
[BNC] PiMPEK0 .si SSL : yes -UP- Response : 357ms ÷
[BNC] PiMPEK1 111.55.333.444:43210 .si SSL : no -DN- ÷
[BNC] PiMPEK2 localhost:43210 .si SSL : yes -UP- Response : 322ms ÷
no ncftpls
[BNC] PiMPEK0 .si SSL : yes ÷
[BNC] PiMPEK1 111.55.333.444:43210 .si SSL : no ÷
[BNC] PiMPEK2 localhost:43210 .si SSL : yes÷
08-21-2004, 10:35 AM
Doesn`t work for me i get this error on bots partyline
[17:23] iojBNC : PROC pub:bnc
[17:23] iojBNC : BNC For : test1 ->
[17:23] TCL error [pub:fish]: wrong # args: should be "lindex list index"
My config:
set iojBNC(debug) 1 ;#debug on/off 1=on,0=off
set iojBNC(site_name) "TEST" ;#site name
set iojBNC(cmdp) "!bnc" ;#trigger
set iojBNC(ncftpls) "C:/ioFTPD/bot/scripts/ncftpls.exe" ;#full path to ncftpls
#set iojBNC(ncftpls) "/home/jeza/iojBNC/scripts/iojBNC/ncftpls" ;#full path to ncftpls
set iojBNC(use_ncftpls) 1 ;#1=use ncftpls to check status, 0=not
set iojBNC(time_out) 5
set iojBNC(user) "sitebot"
set iojBNC(pass) "pass"
set iojBNC(sites) "\\\
set iojBNC(head) "\[12BNC\] \037List of BNC(s) for %site\037"
set iojBNC(use_head) 0 ;#spam iojBNC(head)? 1=yes,0=no
set iojBNC(body_ncftpls_yes) "\[12BNC\] %site %ip:%port %location \037SSL\037 : %ssl -%status- %time"
set iojBNC(body_ncftpls_no) "\[12BNC\] %site %ip:%port %location \037SSL\037 : %ssl"
set iojBNC(length_site) -9 ;#"site1 "
set iojBNC(length_ip) 17 ;#" ip"
set iojBNC(length_port) -6 ;#"port "
set iojBNC(length_status) -2 ;#"UP"
set iojBNC(length_location) -3 ;#".si"
set iojBNC(length_ssl) -3 ;#"no "
#iojBNC(fish_key) "" --> no encryption
set iojBNC(fish_key) "ztdsfbjxcv"
set iojBNC(fish_header) "+OK"
BTW very nice script and blowfish support :)
turn off fish
and paste error msg
08-21-2004, 12:34 PM
[19:32] iojBNC : PROC pub:bnc
[19:32] iojBNC : BNC For : `WBG-|TEST|` ->
[19:32] TCL error [pub:bnc]: wrong # args: should be "lindex list index"
thats with
#iojBNC(fish_key) "" --> no encryption
set iojBNC(fish_key) ""
set iojBNC(fish_header) ""
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