Originally posted by bigstar
since releasing 2.5 i don't recall seeing any bug reports, it must be pretty stable.
The reason you are not seeing bug reports is not because FlashSFV (applies to any version) is stable.
First it should be noted that FlashSFV is a free utility.
If a user finds FlashSFV too buggy that its cost exceeds its utility, then the FlashSFV user will tend to find a suitable substitute for FlashSFV than continue the use of FlashSFV. If a substitute is found (they do exist), it would not be in the interest of the substitute user to post the bug report.
If FlashSFV's utility exceeds the costs, a user may continue the use of FlashSFV (however if a substitute is found with greater utility and lower cost, then the FlashSFV user will switch to the substitute).
Now, supose a bug report were posted. FlashSFV would no longer be "free" (cost of time in posting the bug report). The cost of posting the bug report tends to exceed FlashSFV's utility; therfore a user is more likely to not post a bug report and/or seek a substitute.
The above asumes rational thought.
It may help to publicly ask for FlashSFV bug reports.
Als note: Many may believe that FlashSFV 2.5 is unfiunished (as it probably is). Until it is released in some way (possibly beta), do not expect any feedback.