A file existed in /2 remotely and /ver2 locally. The file did not exist anywhere else.
I tried to download a file from the remote /2 folder into my local \ver3 folder, deliberately.
Whenever I released the mouse button from the drag process, FlashFXP changed the local folder back to /ver2 and requested overwrite permission. I have not been using synchronised browsing. Disconnecting and reconnecting FTP did not solve the problem - but restarting the software did.
Perhaps this is expected behaviour and I accidentally switched on some feature or other - does anyone know?
I'm using an evaluation of 4.2.4 build 1783 on Windows 7 32 bit.
I didn't pay proper attention to the queue or the operations window! If I see it again I'll take notes, screengrabs and post back. Thank you for the quick response; I will now purchase the software - 90% cos it's a great product, 10% cos dev support like this is so rare, especially as I didn't read the 'read before posting' and didn't provide much information in my post!