Serv-U is fully compatible with FlashFXP. To set up your FlashFXP installation to use Public Key Authentication with Serv-U:
1) Open the Site Manager in FlashFXP
2) Create a New Site with the address and username of your Serv-U server
3) Open the "Connection" tab and click "Key Manager"
4) Generate a new "DSA key for SFTP" with a common name of "Serv-U"
5) Right click the key and choose "Export"
6) Enter the public key path of C:\Serv-UDSA.pub and private key path of C:\Serv-UDSA.key
7) Move the .PUB file to the Serv-U server
8) Edit the Serv-U user account in "Users | Domain Users", and set the Public Key Path to the PUB file generated by FlashFXP
9) In the "User Properties | Limits & Settings" tab choose the "Password" category
10) Set the "SSH Authentication Type" to "Password or Public Key", then save the user account
11) In FlashFXP, close the Key Manager, and select the "Serv-U" key we just created
12) Apply the changes, and then connect
Thomas J. Parikka, Tech Support Engineer
service@rhinosoft.com, 262-560-9627 (US Central)
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"The global leader in affordable file transfer."