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04-03-2014, 12:39 PM
FlashFXP Registered User
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Cant seem to get the skiplist to work
Hello, i am trying to get the skiplist to work without luck. I checked the help file and used several regex testers to validate my regexs and found them being valid. But the folders aren't highlighted nor skipped as expected. After reading several threads here in forum i checked what you repeatedly responded:
- no per site skiplist in use (yet, but planned to have)
- global skiplist:
"Enable skiplist" > checked
"Skip 0 byte files" > not checked
"Skip emtpy folders" > checked
"Display skip items in" > red
"When to skip" > Both
- Mask > .*[^(substring)]$
- Compare > Name of Folder
I want to match all folders that DO NOT MATCH the substring. It is planned to extened this substring by other substrings via pipe symbol, which is why i used the grouping. This pattern doesn't work.
This mask doesn't match either. - Mask > .*substring$
- Compare > Name of Folder
I also tried to use 'Path of Folder' for comparison since on the server i am at 3rd or 4th sublevel below root. But this didn't fix the issue.
I don't understand why and feel pretty helpless since i cannot debug the transfer. Where is my mistake?
04-03-2014, 01:56 PM
FlashFXP Developer
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FlashFXP uses a tiny subset of the regular expression syntax.
It doesn't support a reverse evaluation, such as matching everything but <pattern>
See FlashFXP Help File - Pattern Matching for more information.
04-03-2014, 02:23 PM
FlashFXP Registered User
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With the help of that site i created my non-working regexp. I know it is not supporting reverse evaluation which is why i tried to combine the substrings as groups inside the [^<char set>] notation, which means to match if not containing any of the characters in <char set>. So, if this is supported, why don't groups of substrings like [^<(group1|group2|group3)>] work? Matching a single substring and matching a group of substrings works, Somehow it should be possible to negate that expression, shouldn't it?
Anyway, taking your suggestion to use *.*substring* instead of .*substring$ doesn't work either. The folder containing the substring doesn't get highlighted in red - neither when comparing by Name of Folder nor Path of Folder.
Please, can you tell me, what to configure for a server path of /level1/Data_From_(2014)-Substring taking care for the data inside that can have any extension and also futher directories?
Last edited by brackebuschtino; 04-03-2014 at 02:36 PM.
04-03-2014, 03:24 PM
FlashFXP Developer
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If the pattern you're trying to match ends with "-Substring" then you could do *-substring and compare by any
If that works you can try to refine it by using name of folder instead of any and see if that provides you with satisfactory results.
04-03-2014, 03:38 PM
FlashFXP Registered User
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That works. Now the final problem is to negate this expression in either way just to drop these.
If this is really impossible. Would you mind to implement an allow list so one can save oneself from writing down hundreds of entries into the skiplist just to enable the filtering of only one match? A allowlist would solve the circumstance of unsupported regexes.
What you say?
04-03-2014, 09:17 PM
FlashFXP Developer
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I think it would be more productive to add PCRE ( Perl Compatible Regular Expressions) support.
This is something I can implement right now in FlashFXP v5.
My thought is to add support using the following syntax "regex:<pattern>", this way both can co-exist.
Here's a v5 build with PCRE support using the regex:<pattern> syntax as mentioned above.
Currently regex is limited to the skip list and highlights but I will add support for everywhere else in the next update probably tomorrow or monday.
04-04-2014, 05:10 AM
FlashFXP Registered User
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PCRE support sounds great. Thanks for providing a beta that fast. Given that positive and negative lookahead is supported then? I installed the linked beta version and added the filter
to match all subdirectories names that do not match any of the grouped patterns, but get no results.
A general thought regarding your solution:
Actually i highly appreciate extended or full RegExp support. But, I suppose, this is the faster way to implement my suggestion regarding an allowlist. However, i'm afraid that extended regex capability will also require more support for non-experienced users that want to have some kind of allow list. From the logical aspect skipping content to me means to skip "everything that DOES NOT MATCH a rule" specified as filter. Whereas an allowlist to me means to allow "everything that DOES MATCH a rule" specified as filters.
From the UX point of view one never knows what kind of content a directory may contain. So, making use of the skiplist requires that a server contain semantically equal content so that defined rules will - once defined - skip content as wished. But since many public servers host content one can never know in advance the better way to filter content is to define all stuff one would like to allow for download. This would dramatically decrease the effort required to define skip rules since one does not need to sit by and watch if some content may slip through since its pattern was forgotten to be added to the skiplist.
Of course i do understand that coding another configuration level globally and per site requires more effort from you, but i'm pretty sure that in the end users - especially non-developers - were much more thankful for this feature than for the PCRE support alone. I think you get what i mean.
04-04-2014, 10:59 AM
FlashFXP Developer
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Make sure that the line you add into the skip list or highlights is added as
regex: .*-(?!(pattern1|pattern2))
As I previously indicated regex support in this build only works in the skip list or highlights.
I plan to expand that to the rest of the program today.
What might be more suited for what you desire is to use the Selective Transfer feature.
FlashFXP > Tools > Selective Transfer > Edit
This allows you to create multiple rule sets, a rule set is a individual set of rules that determine whether or not a file is skipped or transferred. Rule sets are completely independent of the skip list.
You can quickly switch between active rule sets via the dropdown arrow to the left of the "transfer queue" toolbar button.
You can also bind selective transfer rule sets to individual queue items or scheduled tasks.
The important thing to remember about selective transfer rules is that by default the default rule set is always used unless you manually switch to another rule set or change the rule set for the queue items.
The next build will allow regex in the selective transfer rules.
04-04-2014, 11:54 AM
FlashFXP Registered User
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Originally Posted by bigstar
Make sure that the line you add into the skip list or highlights is added as
regex: .*-(?!(pattern1|pattern2))
I added this expression one including and another time without it and both patterns do not make folders appear highlighted in red. I dunno if i do something wrong or if the expression is not correctly processed. I use the exact same settings as posted in my opening post but only with a different regex and nothing is highlighted.
The only one time when a folder was highlighted was when i applied your previous suggestion
If the pattern you're trying to match ends with "-Substring" then you could do *-substring and compare by any
which matched the wrong folder.
Regardint the "Selected transfer":
I tried to manage my need via this feature longer time ago but dropped it since i couldnt figure out how the rules must be expressed (language/pattern/etc.). I also checked the help file but couldnt get any results. Dunno remember anymore if it was for the same reason (no pattern negation).
Can you provide me with an example for my case, please?
04-04-2014, 04:31 PM
FlashFXP Developer
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regex: .*-(?!(one|two))
Set the Scope to "Name of folder" to skip the folder, or to "any" to skip the folder and all content within it.
and the result would be
If its not working like that please give me a little more time to finish these changes and I'll link you an update.
You'll be able to use the pre-existing pattern matching or the new regex pattern matching anywhere within FlashFXP that uses pattern matching .
04-04-2014, 06:04 PM
FlashFXP Registered User
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Thanks for the response. It is not (yet) working. I will wait now for your next release. Thanks for your effort!
04-04-2014, 07:15 PM
FlashFXP Developer
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Here's the update
I've made a small change to the syntax prefix
notice instead of regex:<space> the prefix has changed to just rx<space>
04-10-2014, 10:57 AM
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Wrote quite a lengthy/detailed response breaking down the problems with your attempts, the misunderstanding about how lookarounds work, and how to design a pattern that works but my browser crashed so you will just have to settle for the footnotes and research yourself to get a better understanding.
Pure PCRE solution:
Other notes:
Originally Posted by bigstar
What might be more suited for what you desire is to use the Selective Transfer feature.
I agree with this suggestion, regex pattern matching was not designed for 'non-matching'. Although it can be done the internal processing is more expensive for anything other than use with single characters, as is the use of lookarounds, etc. While the above pattern should work in the Skip List if PCRE matching is now also possible within selective transfer rule sets I would highly suggest ditching the expensive 'non-match' style negative lookahead pattern and opting for a normal 'match' style pattern.
Originally Posted by bigstar
I've made a small change to the syntax prefix
Can I suggest you reinstate the colon as part of the prefix? There should be no circumstances in which somebody might try (or be able) to match 'rx:<space>...' as a literal (non regex) pattern, however there is the possibility of somebody trying to match 'rx<space>...'.
Originally Posted by bigstar
It took me some time to figure out the proper way to ignore case with PCRE, I am not 100% sure if this is correct.
rx (?i).*-(?!publisher1)
Your use of (?i) here is correct. Given that FlashFXP is a windows client and windows (and the users there of) mostly think is a case-insensitive manner it might be okay to make it case-insensitive by default. Just so long as the case-sensitive modifier can be used within the pattern. (?-i) would force case sensitivity.
Modifiers/switches can be used anywhere in a pattern. When a modifier is seen it is explicitly applied to the remainder of the pattern, or until switch by another modifier. The basic form of a modifier is (?[onswitches][-offswitches][:regex]). This support for :regex means you can do things like (?i)^x(?-i:Y)z to match any case form of xyz as long as Y is capitalized, where (?-i:Y) is equivalent to (?-i)Y(?i).
A great regex introductory tutorial can be found at - Regex Tutorial, Examples and Reference - Regexp Patterns
04-10-2014, 11:21 AM
FlashFXP Registered User
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Thanks for your reply and the suggested pattern. In fact i did my homework and searched the web as well as asked other developers, which resulted in a negative lookbehind reather than lookahead.
rx .*(?<!-PublisherX)$
I would highly suggest ditching the expensive 'non-match' style negative lookahead pattern and opting for a normal 'match' style pattern.
The issue with this solution is that one is forced to manually select all highlighted results and put them into queue, while when using the skiplist with the above pattern (or yours) allows for putting a complete directory into queue and leave the rest to the application wish will reliably drop all non-matching queue items. This is exactly what i want. If i was satified with the manual way of scanning a folder and pick the cherries i wouldn't had asked for the skiplist improvement.
Regarding the "expensiveness":
I think that with todays computer power this plays no role. Furthermore i think that a little more time for regex-processing results in less intensive server workload.  Also i think that not everybody using FFXP has an active skiplist that might have an impact on the transfer speed.
In fact im OK with every implementation (skiplist, selective transfer) that allows for the current state (PCRE support and lookahead/lookbehind-support) that allows to match as exactly as wished.
[...]reinstate the colon as part of the prefix?[...]
I agree to this suggestion. I also found the blank alone to be potentially more confusing than having the colon visually presenting the delimitation. Mabe the blank could be dropped completely as the colon could satisfy the requirement as a delimiter?
Thanks a bunch for the on-/off-switch lession. I didn't know that yet. With this feature available i absolutely agree to your suggestion to make the pattern matching case insensitive by default.
04-12-2014, 05:36 AM
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Originally Posted by brackebuschtino
Thanks for your reply and the suggested pattern. In fact i did my homework and searched the web as well as asked other developers, which resulted in a negative lookbehind reather than lookahead.
rx .*(?<!-PublisherX)$
Yep, in fact a lookbehind is the more appropriate selection in this case since the part of the string your most interested in is at the end. Less expensive as well.
Originally Posted by brackebuschtino
The issue with this solution is that one is forced to manually select all highlighted results and put them into queue, while when using the skiplist with the above pattern (or yours) allows for putting a complete directory into queue and leave the rest to the application wish will reliably drop all non-matching queue items. This is exactly what i want. If i was satified with the manual way of scanning a folder and pick the cherries i wouldn't had asked for the skiplist improvement.
I was refering to use in the Selective Transfer rules when I suggested simplifying, which already gives the option to Transfer or Skip and a choice of File and Folder matching. You could use a combination of the skip list for most rules, and a selective transfer ruleset for those that require negating.
Originally Posted by brackebuschtino
Regarding the "expensiveness":
I think that with todays computer power this plays no role. Furthermore i think that a little more time for regex-processing results in less intensive server workload.  Also i think that not everybody using FFXP has an active skiplist that might have an impact on the transfer speed.
Abundant resources is no excuse not to do things in the most efficient way possible. While in a normal regex matching situation (one pattern against one string or file) it may be negligible, in a situation where you may end up with multiple look-around rules among a list of dozens of other rules that all have to be checked against a potentially huge list of files/directories expensiveness can add up quickly to a noticeable delay. Admittedly you would likely need a complex skip list and huge directory listing to notice anything on the average system these days.
Originally Posted by bigstar
Both rx<space> and rx:<space> can be used depending on your own preference.
It made more sense to me to simplify the prefix to to rx<space> because in most instances trailing spaces are automatically stripped off.
My concern here was more to do with the difference between something like "rx abc*.mp?" being processed as a basic glob or pcre. The results would be vastly different due to wildcard and period function in regular expressions. Requiring the colon would be a way of ensuring somebody not familiar regular expressions (or the support for them in the program) does not try to use a simple glob rule that is misinterpreted.
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