the situtation: your isp booted you or u were somehow disconnected from the ftp site, then u tried to resume the file... all seems fine, resume works BUT when the file is complete it shows:
Transferred: xxxx.r05 0 bytes in 02:16 (1,00 KBps)
and it keeps on showing this msg even when your other uploads (in fxp mode) are not resumed:
Transferred: xxxx.r06 0 bytes in 02:18 (1,00 KBps)
actually the file was transfered correct, its just that ffxp shows it wrong in the status log window
it first stops to bring up these erros above when disconnecting from the site and then reconnect to go on with your fxp uploads
the bug only shows up on fxp, not on local download/upload resume actions
tested on winxp and different server types: proftpd, glftpd and serv-u