How's this? I think I am running too many things. Like I said, its a windows thing but it effects flash the most. When I launch flash the status window will not display properly, it will instead show the graphics that was previously on the screen.
---------------------------02:02:07 11/08/2002---------------------------
Version: 1.4.4 (build 853)
Compiled on: May 23, 2002
OS Ver: 5.0 (build 2195) Service Pack 3
Exception 'EOutOfResources' in module flashfxp.exe at 0001B534
Not enough storage is available to process this command.
Source file: UNKNOWN, Line UNKNOWN
Error within Try/Except
Call stack:
:0041C534 [flashfxp.exe]
:0041C56C [flashfxp.exe]
:004200E4 [flashfxp.exe]
:00421175 [flashfxp.exe]
:0044992C [flashfxp.exe]
:0044BD93 [flashfxp.exe]
:00433E22 [flashfxp.exe]
:77E11D0A [USER32.DLL]
:77E1350E [USER32.DLL]
:77E12FAA [USER32.DLL]
:77E1287F [USER32.DLL]
:77E13D4B [USER32.DLL]
:77E1734D [USER32.DLL]
:0044C200 [flashfxp.exe]
:00449FCB [flashfxp.exe]
:0044BD93 [flashfxp.exe]
:00433E22 [flashfxp.exe]
:77E11D0A [USER32.DLL]
:77E12BCC [USER32.DLL]
:77E138D5 [USER32.DLL]
:77FA02FF [ntdll.dll]
:0044AD4F [flashfxp.exe]
:0044AF2F [flashfxp.exe]
:0044B043 [flashfxp.exe]
:0044B109 [flashfxp.exe]
:0044B177 [flashfxp.exe]
:0044BD93 [flashfxp.exe]
:00433E22 [flashfxp.exe]
:77E11D0A [USER32.DLL]
:77E1350E [USER32.DLL]
:77E12FAA [USER32.DLL]
:77E1287F [USER32.DLL]
:77E13D4B [USER32.DLL]
:77E1734D [USER32.DLL]
:0044C200 [flashfxp.exe]
:00449FCB [flashfxp.exe]
:0044BD93 [flashfxp.exe]
:00433E22 [flashfxp.exe]
:77E11D0A [USER32.DLL]
:77E12BCC [USER32.DLL]
:77E138D5 [USER32.DLL]
:77FA02FF [ntdll.dll]
:00448150 [flashfxp.exe]
:004B6C3B [flashfxp.exe]
:004B7004 [flashfxp.exe]
:0044992C [flashfxp.exe]
:0044BD93 [flashfxp.exe]
:00433E22 [flashfxp.exe]
:77E11D0A [USER32.DLL]
:77E1350E [USER32.DLL]
:77E12FAA [USER32.DLL]
:77E1287F [USER32.DLL]
:77E13D4B [USER32.DLL]
:77E1734D [USER32.DLL]
:0044C200 [flashfxp.exe]
:00449FCB [flashfxp.exe]
:0044BD93 [flashfxp.exe]
:00433E22 [flashfxp.exe]
:77E11D0A [USER32.DLL]
:77E12BCC [USER32.DLL]
:77E138D5 [USER32.DLL]
:77FA02FF [ntdll.dll]
:0044AD4F [flashfxp.exe]
:0044AF2F [flashfxp.exe]
:0044B043 [flashfxp.exe]
:0044B109 [flashfxp.exe]
:0044B177 [flashfxp.exe]
:0044BD93 [flashfxp.exe]
:00433E22 [flashfxp.exe]
:77E11D0A [USER32.DLL]
:77E1350E [USER32.DLL]
:77E12FAA [USER32.DLL]
:77E1287F [USER32.DLL]
:77E13D4B [USER32.DLL]
:77E1734D [USER32.DLL]
:0044C200 [flashfxp.exe]
:00449FCB [flashfxp.exe]
:0044BD93 [flashfxp.exe]
:00433E22 [flashfxp.exe]
:77E11D0A [USER32.DLL]
:77E12BCC [USER32.DLL]
:77E138D5 [USER32.DLL]
:77FA02FF [ntdll.dll]
:00448150 [flashfxp.exe]
:004B6C44 [flashfxp.exe]
:004B72D0 [flashfxp.exe]
:004B7347 [flashfxp.exe]
:004B6DC0 [flashfxp.exe]
:005316AD [flashfxp.exe]
:00518C91 [flashfxp.exe]
:004361AF [flashfxp.exe]
:0044992C [flashfxp.exe]
:00436ACE [flashfxp.exe]
:0044975B [flashfxp.exe]
:0044BCF4 [flashfxp.exe]
:0044BD5F [flashfxp.exe]
:00436ACE [flashfxp.exe]
:0044975B [flashfxp.exe]
:00448681 [flashfxp.exe]
:0043582E [flashfxp.exe]