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Old 11-08-2002, 05:21 AM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 53
Default 2 simple questions to Bigstar regarding FlashFXP 2.0 builds

Hi I am now using FlashFXP 2.0 build 901 which is working for me pretty fine. I have also downloaded and saved the complete installer of FlashFXP build 2.0 build 902. And now I see FlashFXP 2.0 build 905 is there in the site for download. I have 2 questions for Bigstar.

1) Can you please provide me the detailed changelog from build 901 to 902. I am pretty happy with build 901. So unless there is something really important , I will stay with build 901.

2) If you do recommend an update from build 901, will I install build 902 or 905 ?? I read in the forums that build 902 is the latest version for the registered users. So is there really something important in 905 or should build 902 be just fine for me ?? If 902 is the latest version for registered users and there's not much in build 905, I don't want to be a scapegoat to try with build 905 as build 901 is worky for me really well.

As you can see from above, I am really trying to work out if later builds after build 901 are worth uprading to and if yes, which build is better, 902 or 905. A quick reply will be much appreciated.
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Old 11-08-2002, 05:37 AM   #2
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I would recommend you upgrade to atleast build 902.

Build 902 - http://www.flashfxp.com/wn902.php

Build 903 - Resolves an issue that prevented some people from registering FlashFXP. Specifically there was a issue with the key parser that made some keys invalid.

Build 904 - Resolves an issue that prevented people from registering FlashFXP under WINE (Windows emulator for Linux)

Build 905 - Build 904 and possibly 903 contained a segment of experimental code that should of never ended up in the compiled version. This experimental code caused FlashFXP to crash when the Parent Directory in the local view is selected and the popup menu is triggered by right click or pressing a menu accelerator. This build will create a backup of the data files for added integrity.

This is a complete list of changes. I hope that clears everything up.
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901, 902, 905, build, flashfxp

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