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Old 12-10-2001, 03:04 AM   #1
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Angry Overwriting files

I was transferring a file (which had been resumed), I aborted it and when I tried to resume it again it overwrote the file! How can I stop this from happening again, as it is very anoying to lose a 220Mb download on a 56k connection.

[14:41:13] SYST
[14:41:13] 215 UNIX Type: L8
[14:41:13] REST 100
[14:41:13] 350 REST supported. Ready to resume at byte offset 100.
[14:41:13] REST 0
[14:41:14] 350 REST supported. Ready to resume at byte offset 0.
[14:41:14] PWD
[14:41:14] 257 "/" is current directory.
[14:41:14] CWD /Dark Angel/
[14:41:15] 250 CWD command successful. "/Dark Angel" is current directory.
[14:41:15] PWD
[14:41:19] 257 "/Dark Angel" is current directory.
[14:41:19] List (cached)
[14:41:19] List Complete.
[14:41:19] TYPE I
[14:41:19] 200 Type set to I.
[14:46:53] PORT *
[14:41:21] REST 223027288
[14:41:22] 350 REST supported. Ready to resume at byte offset 223027288.
[14:41:22] RETR dark_angel.208.gill_girl.vcd-wow.mpg
[14:41:23] 150 Opening data connection for dark_angel.208.gill_girl.vcd-wow.mpg (459577972 bytes).
[14:46:27] (soft abort)
[14:46:27] ABOR
[14:46:34] (hard abort)
[14:46:42] User Aborted
[14:46:45] TYPE I
[14:46:53] 426 Cannot retrieve. Failed. Aborting
[14:46:53] TYPE I
[14:46:53] 226 ABOR command successful.
[14:46:53] PORT *
[14:46:54] REST 223935264
[14:46:54] This file can not be resumed
[14:46:54] RETR dark_angel.208.gill_girl.vcd-wow.mpg
[14:46:55] 350 REST supported. Ready to resume at byte offset 223935264.
[14:46:55] Transferred: dark_angel.208.gill_girl.vcd-wow.mpg 0 bytes in 0.01 (1.00 KB/Sec)
[14:46:55] Transfer Failed!
[14:46:55] TYPE I
[14:46:56] 150 Opening data connection for dark_angel.208.gill_girl.vcd-wow.mpg (459577972 bytes).
[14:46:56] TYPE I
[14:46:57] 200 Type set to I.
[14:46:53] PORT *
[14:46:57] RETR dark_angel.208.gill_girl.vcd-wow.mpg
[14:46:59] 150 Opening data connection for dark_angel.208.gill_girl.vcd-wow.mpg (459577972 bytes).
[14:47:07] (soft abort)
[14:47:07] ABOR
[14:47:09] 426 Cannot retrieve. Failed. Aborting
[14:47:10] 226 ABOR command successful.
[14:47:10] Transfer Failed!
[14:47:10] Transferred 1 file totaling 0 bytes in 25.45 (0.00 KB/Sec)
[14:47:10] User Aborted
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Old 12-10-2001, 03:29 AM   #2
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If the machine you're on uses caching of data, it could end up reporting erronious file-sizes resulting in the file being overwritten rather than resumed. Try switching off write-behind caching and try again. Ffxp always tries to determine if a file can be resumed to the best of its ability.
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Old 12-10-2001, 03:35 AM   #3
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I have never had a problem resuming before.

Shouldn't FlashFXP rename the old file rather than deleting it, or at least ask the user if the file should be overwritten?
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Old 12-10-2001, 03:39 AM   #4
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configure your "when file exist" rules to prompt
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Old 12-10-2001, 04:04 AM   #5
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Thanks for your replies.

Currently I have 'when file exists' set to auto resume. My problem was that it tried to resume, couldn't, and then automatically overwrote the file.

If I set it to 'ask' instead of auto resume then, is there some way to make it automatically resume after some set time (if no user response is recieved)? I can't seem to find it if there is. If there isn't then my downloads will timeout if I am not there to answer the question.

So is there any other solution to not wanting files being overwritten, besides setting 'when file exists' to ask?
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Old 12-10-2001, 04:15 AM   #6
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Actually, if set to ask, it might still over-write if the response-time expires (depending on your setting). There's no way to force it to resume if the auto-resume fails (well, there is, but chances are, the end-result would be corrupted). Even though you've never had this problem before, I'm still laying my bet on your system caching the partial file, as it seemed like you aborted and resumed quickly. If you did, the write-behind cache may not have updated the partial file to report the right size. When resumed, the cache gets flushed, and the size is corrected, but mis-matches the reported size.
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Old 12-10-2001, 04:27 AM   #7
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Hmmm. So how do I turn off this write-behind caching then? Is it worth turning it off, as this has only happened once?

So it isn't possible to get FlashFXP to rename the file, and it isn't possible to get it to ask before overwriting either (unless you set it to ask when file exists, but this has other undeserivable results).

Is there a way to force FlashFXP to never overwrite files, but say just cancel the download instead then?
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Old 12-10-2001, 04:52 AM   #8
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hmm, I just noticed this post..

What you encountered is actually a FlashFXP *BUG* and it was fixed in build 819..

- In some instances pressing the abort button did not function as intended.

Please let me know if you experience this problem in build 819 or newer..

The problem is caused by the ftp server not sending the transfer abort message in a timely manner and causes FlashFXP to get out of sync.

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Old 12-10-2001, 08:11 AM   #9
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A bug! I should have paid more attention to updates. I shall upgrade right away then... thanks.
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