split from this thread http://forum.flashfxp.com/showthread...&threadid=1110
since this issue isn't Linksys router related i moved it to it's own thread
I am experiencing the same problem w/ the M$ router as well. I was connecting two weeks ago and now all I get is:
WinSock 2.0
Connecting to xbmp.uk.xbins.org
Connection failed (Connection timed out)
Delaying for 5 seconds before reconnect attempt #1
And when I look at my router status it's disconnected and reconnects at FlashFXP's delay in reconnect. But for some everytime I try to connect to a site in FXP it disconnects and reconnects in delay.
FXP is set as follows:
Use Passive - Checked
Use Port Range - 1024-1224 (as in my router setup)
Bind to IP Address - to my ISPs DNS and when I tried my NICs IP I still get the same results.
Please help!!! TIA