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Old 11-26-2001, 09:57 AM   #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 7
Default Suggestions

My FlashFXP dream features

1. Right click on queue features
Sort by size (ASC/DESCENDING)
Insert RAW command (e.g. i can queue LIST or SITE WHO...)

2. Schedule under Queue menu, and not under tools.

3. Multiple ip's per sites, and use last working ip. If not working, try new ip...

4. Define Max Idletime on each site.

5. Define 'Maximum downloads at same time' (FlashFXP must check for other connections to that ip. Thus preventing me to dual download when I have 19 sites at the same time. (some sysops hate dual download).

6. Word highlighting. And make a sound or something when
it triggers (just like mirc ;P)

7. Utility: A global activity window displaying all flashfxp's

FlashFXP usage right now
[11s] [S1] -> [S2] [0,4MB/s] /movies/vcd/Free.Movie-FIO-VCD/Cd2/myfile.r42 (15MB)
[3s] [BB] <- [AA] [1,4MB/s] /movies/vcd/Free.Movie-FIO-VCD/Cd2/myfile.r22 (15MB)
[59s] [CC] <- [VV] [2,0MB/s] /freeware/myfreeware/cool.rar (4MB)
[VV] [SS] [0] Idling: (54s) /freeware/myfreeware/

You get the picture? ;P I hope i can click on
the different lines, and it takes me to the correct FlashFXP.
Note: We don't need any fancy gui, as long as the thing
updates every second.

Thank you for the very best FTP program!


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Old 11-30-2001, 09:49 AM   #2
Junior Member
Join Date: Nov 2001
Posts: 7

I would also like to have a shortcut key for refreshing both right and left side. (e.g. CTRL-F5 or something)

Pretty please on top
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Old 10-15-2003, 09:27 PM   #3
FlashFXP Registered User
ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 32

5. Define 'Maximum downloads at same time' (FlashFXP must check for other connections to that ip. Thus preventing me to dual download when I have 19 sites at the same time. (some sysops hate dual download).


That what I'd like to see in the next version
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