Quick Connect erases the Site Manager settings
I open a FlashFXP window, open the Site Manager, change the Retry count and Retry delay to 9999 and 1, respectively, for a particular site, hit the Apply button, and login. It works using the Retry count / delay that I've just specified.
I disconnect and then open another FlashFXP window. I then try to connect to the afore mentioned site in the new window, through Quick Connect, and it resets to the default settings - 120 second delays and 10 tries. I open the Site Manager and it's reset there, as well.
This, to me, seems like a bug. It seems to me that Quick Connect ought to use the settings as specified in the Site Manager even if the fields to change them aren't available in the Quick Connect dialog.
I'm running FlashFXP 3.7.8 (Build 1332).