I have a Raspberry Pi2 reachable from FTP client........ i have install FLASHFXP (before that i use Filezilla) and there's already exist a very usefull feature (not present on Filezilla).
I need often to whats append to my Pi2 and i need ofter to read some log files.............. whit filezilla i need to redownload manually every x minutes for watching if the logs it's be changed but FlashFXP have a usefull "Active Changes" feature for help but apparently there's no way for set a auto-redownload or auto-reload the files after x minutes or it's better when the files it's changed on server.
I have set "NotePad++" for editing all file....... and Notepad++ have a usefull feature that ask to user to reload the files when the files has been changed. If you can add a auto-refresh for editing files i thinks it's a great solution...........
I don't know if i you can understand..... but i'm italian and i can't speak english not very well........... if we exist an international board how i can explain this feature request in my language i thinks there's a great solution
Thanks in advance.....