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Old 12-03-2006, 12:40 PM   #1
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Exclamation Help Needed Stuck On Something..?

Boy I got to write everything again , I posted my thread but it got deleted or something so here it goes again in a more optimized way. Here is the deal I have a windows server (dedicated) 2003 std. Now I can connect to by desktop remote connection. I downloaded ioFTPD to my windows server and placed it on my desktop now I got to change the master passwd and login to my own ftp server under I got to site shutdown the server to change the ini. and host rules so I can try to set up my own FTP. I am trying to set up my own FTP because mostly people has always done it to me (glftpd & drftpd) but now I heard so much great things of ioFTPd I want to able to install and manage it anytime. But I need a little help because I am stuck on one thing I am trying to see where I configure my IP so I can have people connect and download :P. I know how to add people/remove/put ip to a user and change groups all the little things.
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Old 12-03-2006, 12:41 PM   #2
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I have added my host rules and my ini files on how they are now I am trying to set this up to a real ftp server so people can connect to my ip (www.ipchicken.com) is where I get my IP. Now I guess I have to edit some stuff on one of those two files but I don't know where. Lets say my IP is where would I put that so its not a and yes I plan on buying the program so I can get the other scripts and won't have a problem.
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Old 12-03-2006, 12:42 PM   #3
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### this is the Hosts.Rules file for ioFTPD.  it is used to control which
### ip addresses and hostnames have access to the server.
### by default, the server is configured to *only* allow connections from
### your computer.  you should not change this until you have changed the
### master account password.  see the file |README.1ST| for more
### information.
### this file is read from top to bottom, with the last matching rule
### being the one that applies to the connection.  this means that more
### general rules will tend to be at the top of the file, with more
### specific rules matching later (lower).

## policy
## by default, we deny all incomming connections.
## format:
## once you have changed the master password (see README.1st) for your
## server, you should change your default policy from DENY to ACCEPT (by
## commenting out the DENY line and uncommenting the ACCEPT line) to allow
## connections from any ip address.

## classes
## -1 for total connections per class means unlimited.
## format:

## rules
## rules determine which ip addresses can connect to your server.
## rules can be specified by ip address ('I') or hostname ('H').
## both the ip address and hostname can be partial addresses, for
## instance the class C block of '192.168.1.' or any '.com' address.
## format:

# examples
#ACCEPT  I 10.0.0.       ADMIN   -1
#ACCEPT  I 192.168.1.    ADMIN   -1
#ACCEPT  I 127.0.0.      ADMIN   -1
#ACCEPT  H .fi           NORDIC   2
#ACCEPT  H .se           NORDIC   1
#ACCEPT  H .no           NORDIC   1
#DENY    I 192.168.      "Banned network address"
#DENY    I 10.           "Banned network address"
#DENY    H .tw           "Access from taiwan is prohibited"
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Old 12-03-2006, 12:44 PM   #4
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Process_Priority	= NORMAL	# Suggested process base priority
                                        # (Idle/Normal/High/Realtime)
Io_Threads		= 2		# Number of io threads
Worker_Threads		= 1		# Number of worker threads 
Worker_Fibers		= 50		# Initial number of fibers
Encryption_Threads	= 2		# Number of encryption threads

# the window name, used by third party scripts and services to communicate
# with ioFTPD.  the default is fine unless you are running two copies of
# ioFTPD.
WindowName              = ioFTPD::MessageWindow

MessageCache_Size	= 1000		# Amount of message files to cache
DirectoryCache_Size	= 1000		# Amount of directories to cache per
                                        # cache bucket (8 buckets)
Device_Concurrency	= 5		# Maximum simultanous io operations
                                        # per device
Upload_PreAllocation	= 0		# 

User_Id_Table   = ..\etc\UserIdTable
Group_Id_Table  = ..\etc\GroupIdTable
Hosts_Rules     = ..\etc\Hosts.Rules

User_Files      = ..\users
Group_Files     = ..\groups
Log_Files	= ..\logs
Cache_Files	= ..\cache

Default_Vfs     = ..\etc\default.vfs
Environment     = ..\etc\ioftpd.env

Host				=
Ports				= 1024-2048
Random				= True
;Global_Inbound_Bandwidth	= 10000
;Global_Outbound_Bandwidth	= 10000
;Client_Inbound_Bandwidth	= 100          [*registered version*]
;Client_Outbound_Bandwidth	= 50           [*registered version*]
;Bind				= 

## the services section is used to configure ftp, telnet, and http services
## in ioFTPD.  by default ioFTPD is configured as a small public server.

# allow up to 10 simultaneous users of any class to login
# over ftp port 3232.
Type                    = FTP
Device_Name             = Any
Port                    = 3232
Description             = My FTP Service
User_Limit              = 10
Allowed_Users           = *
Messages                = ..\text\ftp

# Encryption
Require_Encrypted_Auth  = !*
Require_Encrypted_Data  = !*
Certificate_Name        = ioFTPD
Explicit_Encryption     = True
# valid values are SSL, SSL2, and SSL3
Encryption_Protocol     = SSL3
Min_Cipher_Strength     = 128
Max_Cipher_Strength	= 256

# IDNT command handler
Get_External_Ident      = True

# Traffic Balancing
;Data_Devices            =
;Random_Devices          = True

# allow up to 10 simultaneous users with the 'T' flag to
# login over telnet port 10001.  other users are disallowed
# access.
Type                    = Telnet
Device_Name             = Any
Port                    = 10001
Description             = My Telnet Service
User_Limit              = 10
Allowed_Users           = T !*
Messages                = ..\text\telnet

# allow up to 50 simultaneous users with the 'H' flag to
# login over http port 10000.  other users are disallowed
# access.
Type                    = HTTP
Device_Name             = Any
Port                    = 10000
Description             = My HTTP Service
User_Limit              = 50
Allowed_Users           = H !*
Messages                = ..\text\http

# Encryption
Certificate_Name        = ioFTPD
Explicit_Encryption     = True
# valid values are SSL, SSL2, and SSL3
Encryption_Protocol     = SSL3
Min_Cipher_Strength     = 128
Max_Cipher_Strength	= 256

############################## END OF SERVICES ###############################

Active_Services            = FTP_Service Telnet_Service HTTP_Service

Ident_Timeout              = 5          # Set ident timeout (seconds)
Hostname_Cache_Duration    = 1800       # Seconds cached hostname is valid
Ident_Cache_Duration       = 120        # Seconds cached ident is valid
Connections_To_Ban         = 1000000    #
Ban_Counter_Reset_Interval = 30         #
Temporary_Ban_Duration     = 1200       # Seconds host remains banned
Internal_Transfer_Buffer   = 65536      # Internal transfer buffer size
Scheduler_Update_Speed     = NORMAL     # Socket scheduler update speed
                                        # (HIGH/NORMAL/LOW/DISABLED)

Idle_TimeOut		= 120
Login_Attempts		= 3
Login_TimeOut		= 15
Socket_Send_Buffer	= 4096
Socket_Recv_Buffer	= 1024
DataSocket_Nagle	= False
Transfer_Buffer		= 65536 # For maximum scalability, set Transfer &
                                # DataSocket buffers to to low values
DataSocket_Send_Buffer	= 32864
DataSocket_Recv_Buffer	= 32864

Idle_TimeOut		= 120
Login_TimeOut		= 15
Socket_Send_Buffer	= 4096
Socket_Recv_Buffer	= 1024

Keep_Alive		= 180
Max_Memory_Content	= 1024000 # Maximum bytes of GET/PUT/POST/HEAD
                                  # content to cache in memory
;Socket_Send_Buffer	= 16384
;Socket_Recv_Buffer	= 16384

## Maximum of 10 different credit sections ##
# <alias> = <credit section #> <path>
# <alias> = <credit section #> <stats section #> <path>

Home    = 0 1 /home/*
Default = 0 *

# Default attributes for files & directories.  ioFTPD uses unix-style
# permissions, meaning there is a user and group id which determines
# the access rights for a file.  file permissions are specified with
# the standard execute/write/read bit for user, group, and other.
# the default is to give everyone access to all files and directories,
# which are owned by user ioFTPD.
# format: <filemode> <owner uid>:<owner gid>
Default_Directory_Attributes    = 755 0:0
Default_File_Attributes         = 644 0:0

# Command specific rules
Modify_Stats_On_Delete  = False

# Detailed permissions for directories
# priviledge    = <virtual path> <rights>
Upload          = * *
Resume		= * *
Download	= * *
MakeDir         = * *
RemoveOwnDir    = * *
RemoveDir       = * 1VM
Rename		= * 1VM
RenameOwn       = * *
Overwrite       = * 1VM
Delete		= * 1VM
DeleteOwn	= * *
NoStats         = * =lSpeed !*

WeeklyReset     = Sunday
MonthlyReset    = 1st

# Scheduler
# Event = <minutes> <hours> <day of month> <day of week> Command
# Internal Commands:
# &Reset          : Resets upload/download counters
# &Service_Update : Reloads devices and Restarts services, if bind ip of service has changed
Reset           = 0 0 * *               &Reset
Service_Update  = 10,30,50 * * *        &Service_Update

;OnUploadError		=
;OnUploadComplete	= EXEC d:\test.bat
;OnUploadComplete	= TCL ..\scripts\test2.itcl
;OnDownloadError	=
;OnDownloadComplete	=
;OnResume		=
;OnUpload		=
;OnNewDir		=
;OnDelDir		=
;OnLogIn		=
;OnServerStart		=
;OnServerStop		=
;OnServiceStart		=
;OnServiceStop		=

## modules are used to control internal behaviour of ioFTPD.
## this interface is poorly documented at the moment.
;MessageVariableModule  = ..\modules\cookie.dll
;UserModule             = ..\modules\networkuser.dll
;GroupModule            = ..\modules\networkgroup.dll
;EventModule		= ..\modules\eventmodule.dll

;list =
;stor =
;mkd  =

;mkd  =
;rmd  =
;stor =
;dele =

RSA = EXEC ..\scripts\cert\rsa.bat

## SITE <trigger> <parameters>
# trigger       = !file                 # Show file
# trigger       = @string               # Alias
# trigger       = EXEC script.exe       # Execute file.exe
# trigger       = %EXEC script.exe      # Execute file.exe (translate cookies)
# trigger       = TCL script.itcl       # Execute file.itcl
## Examples
# welcome       = !..\text\ftp\welcome.msg
# rehash        = @config rehash
# exec          = EXEC ..\scripts\exec.bat
# myinfo        = %TCL ..\scripts\whoami.itcl %[$user]
# cat           = TCL ..\scripts\showfile.itcl
TCL = TCL ..\scripts\test2.itcl
#TCL = TCL ..\scripts\bottalk.itcl
BAT = EXEC d:\test.bat
WHO = TCL ..\scripts\BlzBot.itcl

hello	= EXEC d:\ioFTPD\site\bin\hello.bat


## SITE <cmd> ##
# 'M' - MASTER
adduser		= 1GM
deluser		= 1GM
renuser		= 1M
gadduser        = 1GM
grpadd		= 1M
grpdel		= 1M
grpren		= 1M
chgrp		= 1M
kick		= 1GM
kill            = 1M
addip		= 1GM
delip		= 1GM
passwd          = !A *
stats		= !A *
tagline         = !A *
swho            = 1MG
chmod           = !A *
chown		= MV
chattr          = MV
config		= M
uinfo		= 1GM
ginfo           = 1GM
users		= 1GM
groups          = 1GM
shutdown        = M
bans            = 1M

adduser		= 1GM
deluser		= 1GM
renuser		= 1M
gadduser        = 1GM
grpadd		= 1M
grpdel		= 1M
grpren		= 1M
kick		= 1GM
kill            = 1M
addip		= 1GM
delip		= 1GM
chmod		= !A *
chown		= MV
chattr		= MV
list		= *
cd		= *
passwd		= *
stats		= *
tagline		= *
swho		= 1MG
chgrp		= 1M
config		= M
uinfo		= 1GM
ginfo           = 1GM
users           = 1GM
groups          = 1GM
shutdown        = M
bans            = 1M


admingroup        = 1M
credits           = 1M
flags             = 1M
groupdescription  = 1M
groupslots        = 1M
groupvfsfile      = M
homedir           = 1GM
logins            = 1M
passwd            = 1GM
ratio             = 1GM
stats             = M
tagline           = 1GM
showjobs          = M
speedlimit        = 1M
vfsfile           = M

users		= 1GM
uinfo		= 1GM
addip		= 1GM
delip		= 1GM
config		= M
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Old 12-04-2006, 05:41 AM   #5
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ioFTPD Scripter
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Posts: 277

if you actually took time to read what your posting

## once you have changed the master password (see README.1st) for your
## server, you should change your default policy from DENY to ACCEPT (by
## commenting out the DENY line and uncommenting the ACCEPT line) to allow
## connections from any ip address.

ill let you figure out what needs changed there
#iotools #ioftpd (both on efnet)
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