i mean as optional option, but i have attempt to build something for raiden with the event commands, works fine for one server :/ or if you make some new events like onSiteAdduser or OnSiteTake credits, also all site commands as an event they grab to userfiles, but i think its not very easy to implent something...
I actually started thinking of making seperate daemon (which runs in same process with io) to handle userfiles.... ofcourse it isn't as efficient as reading userfiles directly from disk, but it would be more extendable
if i understand you right, i have attempt that, too also an programm that read the userfile every 2min and write it to the mysql db and then every 2min the new data from the db read, but thats not good, coz if he update the db and then you add a user he is in 2min away, coz he read the the new data and there stand the user not...
damn i must learn some english