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Old 11-27-2004, 10:57 PM   #271
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didn't read the thread, so someone else might have posted this already... but in current version (3.5.2) if the path has a space in it newdir gets mad and only outputs whatever is before the space
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Old 11-28-2004, 07:13 AM   #272
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it seems you didn't read the README-INSTALL.TXT in the newdir release

so here is the help:

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! W A R N I N G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
! !
! NEWDIR 3.X DON'T ACCEPT spaces in dirnames or filenames !
! (don't remove *\ * in bandir.cfg & banfile.cfg) !
! !
! NEWDIR 3.X DON'T ACCEPT brackets in dirnames or filenames !
! (don't remove *\[* in bandir.cfg & banfile.cfg) !
! !
! !
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! W A R N I N G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

have fun
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Old 12-02-2004, 10:32 AM   #273
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I have problem with dupe check on newdir 3.5.2 the problem is :
I create dir XXX in this dir create WWW dir and QQQ dir now if in the root I create a GGG dir when I create WWW dir on the GGG dir the script block the comand for dupe any solution???
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Old 12-14-2004, 04:53 AM   #274
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I'm getting a weird error on 1 of my configs:

12-14-2004 01:32:20 "?:\path\to\ioFTPD\scripts\newdir\OnSiteNew.it cl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
12-14-2004 04:54:18 "?:\path\to\ioFTPD\scripts\newdir\OnSiteNew.it cl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
12-14-2004 09:33:04 "?:\path\to\ioFTPD\scripts\newdir\OnSiteNew.it cl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
12-14-2004 09:34:48 "?:\path\to\ioFTPD\scripts\newdir\OnSiteNew.it cl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
12-14-2004 10:27:51 "?:\path\to\ioFTPD\scripts\newdir\OnSiteNew.it cl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
Error, but no error info, thats just a small selection, is there a hella lot.

99% certain configs good, running on a few other sites with no issues, just getting this on 1 of 'em.

Any ideas?
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Old 12-18-2004, 01:12 AM   #275
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Originally posted by bounty
Originally posted by odd
Can anyone confirm this? Would be nice if another ftp client was tested also except flashfxp.

Put 2 dirs/folders in your upload queue. Upload them to same section and check if the symlink in ROOT is working or if you get

550 Last_race_(XVID)_test2.test2.test2: No such file or directory.
i have sometimes the same problem
There is a similar bug in newdir.log the symlink, and path.to.rel in newdir.log is created from $pwd. the current path when created a new dir from multiple dir queued is the last dir completed. i.e.
when mkd /section/test2 ffxp is still in /section/test1 so the symlink points to /section/test1/test2 ... ooops symilarly, in newdir.log you get ctime uploader section /section/test1 /test2 .... it wouls be SOOOOOOO kewl if b0unty coukd write us a little update for both using maybe a '$previous' var and strip it from $pwd as in:

set $previous=$release
set $realpwd=($pwd - $previous)

(need to think where to put these 2 in correct order/position to werk, as it is, it wouldn't )

symlink -> $realpwd/$release

and in log
puts $fileid "$now $user $section $newpwd $release

Does that make sense? note that the fix for newdir.log is not absolutely necessary but would trim the size of the log dramatically if you do a lot of multi dir queues ...
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Old 12-18-2004, 03:05 AM   #276
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Indeed JoeBAR, there is a common bug in most of newdir. Newdir assumes the file/directory the user created/deleted is in their current working directory. Here's an example on how the virtualpath should be found:

## If the path begins with a slash, the user specified
## the absolute path, rather than the relative path.

set args "MKD /path/to/a/cool/dir"
set dir [join [lrange [split $args] 1 end]]

if {[string index $dir 0] == "/"} {
	set vpath $dir
} else {
	set vpath "$pwd$dir"
(Similar to the "GetPath" function in nxLib.itcl for nxAutoNuke/nxTools for those who use them.)
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Old 12-18-2004, 03:46 AM   #277
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I just realised that my example wouldn't work because the script is called each time a dir is created, and it's not a continuous process, so $previous would have to be stored in tempfile.

Maybe it could be filtered out ... like /section_path/ ... Additionnal filers may be necessary for CD/DVD/DiSC, also for dated dir %m%d and additionally, for those who use a higher hierarchy like /incoming/section (supported by newdir in ND_SUBSTRINGS)...

All this are way beyond my undrestanding of regex, but our tcl experts here may be able to help Incidently, old newdir didn't store the $pwd I think. Is it necessary at all?

Hopefully bounty will be up soon to give some answers.

Furthermore, (I just thought about it a bit more) the previous in queue (i.e. $pwd) could be a different section! and the log looks like:


1321465466 Uploader section2 /incoming/section1/previous.release.was.section1.type.and.new.release .is.section2.type new.release
so maybe like you mentioned in your post, it should be made relative to the way mkd is passed, and treat it from there. I just realised the implication of your filter

if mkd is relative.path -> log from $pwd
if mkd is /absolute/path -> log by filtering from $path (or whatever the variable is in this case, I'm nore limited in TCL than in logic
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Old 01-17-2005, 08:29 PM   #278
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Default prob with set ND_NODUPECHECK

I upgraded to NEWDIR 3.5.2, then got this prob.

I set the path mask like this at "set ND_NODUPECHECK".

set ND_NODUPECHECK "*/whatever/*"

But newdir still won't allow me to create banneddirname under /whatever.
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Old 03-22-2005, 08:52 AM   #279
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Default [SOLVED] new dir error help

Had some heavy site activity last night, a few thousand dirs were created. After a while site dupe <argument> stopped working.

[14:50:30] [R] site dupe mickey mouse
[14:50:31] [R] 200 Command successful.

below is from the error log, anyone have a clue how to fix?

"D:\ioFTPD\scripts\newdir\OnSiteDupe.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
unmatched open brace in list
while executing
"llength $dupefile"
(procedure "nd_read_dupelog" line 6)
invoked from within
"nd_read_dupelog $searchstrs"
(procedure "nd_onsitedupe" line 20)
invoked from within
(file "D:\ioFTPD\scripts\newdir\OnSiteDupe.itcl" line 98)

*edit* problem solved apparently a dir with { wich somehow was made and added to the list broke wich broke newdir. deleting that entry solved the problem.
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Old 05-27-2005, 04:17 AM   #280
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Excuse me for my english, i'm french and i don't write english very well.

I've one problem with the latest Newdir. I've search the newdirlog.itcl's function of the 2.1 version in the latest version but i'm don't find it. Can you tell me where i can find this function ?

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Old 06-06-2005, 03:43 PM   #281
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I have this problem

I use ioZS for zipscript and newdir 3.5.2

this erron on logs
06-06-2005 22:40:20 "..\scripts\newdir\OnPreMkd.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "ND_NoRoot": no such variable
while executing
"if { $ND_NoRoot == 1 && $pwd == "/" } {
set ioerror 2
iputs "550 Requested action not taken. MKD not allowed in Root dir."
(file "..\scripts\newdir\OnPreMkd.itcl" line 11)

06-06-2005 22:19:02 "..\scripts\newdir\OnDelDir.itcl" terminated abnormally
--------------------------- ErrorInfo ----------------------------
can't read "ND_NOLOG(ND)": no such variable
while executing
"foreach deny $ND_NOLOG(ND) {
if { [string match -nocase $deny $vpath] != 0 } { return }
(procedure "nd_ondeldir" line 6)
invoked from within
(file "..\scripts\newdir\OnDelDir.itcl" line 49)
Any help
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Old 06-06-2005, 04:31 PM   #282
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Check you correctly configured init.tcl
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Old 06-06-2005, 04:36 PM   #283
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just check more time but I don't see nothing of incorect

this itcl file

################################################## ###############################
# NFO URL v 2.2.2 by B0unTy For dZSbot.tcl & ioFTPD community #
################################################## ###############################

## setup here all dirs/paths you want to hide from nfo announces
set hidden "*/admin/* */group/* */_pre/* */cd* /___egg/* /___ioFTPD/*"

################################################## ###############################
################################################## ###############################
if { ! [file exists ../logs/nfos.log] } { set newid [open ../logs/nfos.log a] ; close $newid }

proc proc_nfourl {} {
global args hidden user group
set vpath [lindex $args 2]
set ppath [resolve pwd [lindex $args 2]]
regsub {(/[\w\(\).-]+)$} $ppath {} ppath2
set cnt 0
# deny check
foreach deny $hidden {
if { [string match -nocase $deny $vpath] != 0 } { return }
# read nfo file
if { [string match -nocase "*.nfo" $vpath] == 1 } {
# write to nfos.log
set fileid [open ../logs/nfos.log a]
puts $fileid "$ppath"
close $fileid
set tempfile [open $ppath r]
set nfofile [read $tempfile]
close $tempfile
# new or old imdb url
if [regexp {title/tt[0-9]+} $nfofile result1] {
set result1 "$result1/"
incr cnt
} elseif [regexp {Title\?[0-9]+} $nfofile result2] {
set result2 [string range $result2 6 end]
set result2 "$result2/"
incr cnt 2
# allocine.fr url
if [regexp {fichefilm_gen_cfilm=[0-9]+.html} $nfofile result3] {
set result3 "http://www.allocine.fr/film/$result3"
incr cnt 4
# write to ioFTPD.log
if { $cnt == 1 } {
putlog "IMDB: \"$vpath\" \"$result1\" \"$user\" \"$group\" \"$ppath2\""
if { $cnt == 2 } {
putlog "IMDB: \"$vpath\" \"$result2\" \"$user\" \"$group\" \"$ppath2\""
if { $cnt == 4 } {
putlog "ALLOCINE: \"$vpath\" \"$result3\" \"$user\" \"$group\" \"$ppath2\""
if { $cnt == 5 } {
putlog "ALLOCINE: \"$vpath\" \"$result3\" \"$user\" \"$group\" \"$ppath2\""
putlog "IMDB: \"$vpath\" \"$result1\" \"$user\" \"$group\" \"$ppath2\""
if { $cnt == 6 } {
putlog "ALLOCINE: \"$vpath\" \"$result3\" \"$user\" \"$group\" \"$ppath2\""
putlog "IMDB: \"$vpath\" \"$result2\" \"$user\" \"$group\" \"$ppath2\""
if { $cnt == 0 } {
if [regexp {http://[^\s]+} $nfofile result4] {
putlog "NFOURL: \"$vpath\" \"$result4\" \"$user\" \"$group\" \"$ppath2\""
} else {
putlog "NFO: \"$vpath\" \"none\" \"$user\" \"$group\" \"$ppath2\""


##### GLOBAL NEWDIR 3.5.2 INI #####
# setup here the path of log
set ND_IOLOG "../logs"

# setup here the path of newdir
# don't forget to setup bandir.cfg & banfile.cfg
set ND_PATH "../scripts/newdir"

# setup here your VFS sections (except hidden sections like PRE)
set ND_SECTIONS "APPZ 0day Request PS2 GAMES"

# setup here the addons you want use or not
# 0=enabled 1=disabled (default=0)
set ND_DISABLE(bandir) 0 ; # ban unwanted dirs
set ND_DISABLE(banfile) 0 ; # ban unwanted files
set ND_DISABLE(dupedir) 0 ; # dupecheck dirs
set ND_DISABLE(dupefile) 0 ; # dupecheck files
set ND_DISABLE(symlink) 0 ; # latest race/pre symlinks in root
set ND_DISABLE(nfourl) 0 ; # parse .nfo for imdb/allocine/urls on PRE
set ND_DISABLE(cache) 0 ; # Directory Cache Refreshing by Tuff

# setup here the paths masks (or dirs masks) you don't want to be logged in newdir.log
set ND_NOLOG(ND) ""

# setup here the paths masks (or dirs masks) you don't want to be logged in dupedir.log

# setup here all paths masks (or file-extension masks) you don't want to be logged in dupefile.log
set ND_NOLOG(FILES) "*.nfo"

# setup here all paths mask you want NO DUPECHECK/BANS UNDER THESE PATHS
set ND_NODUPECHECK "*/admin/* */request/*"

# Set this to 0 if you want to allow MKD/STOR in ROOT DIR
# set this to 1 if you want to deny MKD/STOR in ROOT DIR (Default)
set ND_NoRoot 1

##### OnSitePre #####
# setup here all your PRE sections !!! case sensitive !!!
# sections syntax: pretype:section:/VFS/PATH/ <----- vfs path must be finished by a "/"
# | | |
# | | |______________ vfs path with dates (must be identical than ioA PRE <vfs path>). Check syntax below
# | |______________________ name of section logged in newdir.log (respect the case you used for ND_SECTIONS)
# |______________________________ pretype used in ioA (respect the case you used in ioA)
# !!! datemask in 'ioA PRE <vfs path>' have a different syntax than TCL (case sensitive) !!!
# TCL syntax: day=%d ioA syntax: day=%D
# week=%W week=%W
# month=%m month=%M
# year(2digits)=%y year(2digits)=%y
# year(4digits)=%Y year(4digits)=%Y
# !!! DON'T USE SPACE IN VFS PATH OR DATEMASK !!! You can use - or .
set ND_PRE_SECTIONS "appz:APPZS:/APPZ/ 0day:0DAY:/0day/%m%d/ request:REQUEST:/Request/ ps2:PS2:/PS2/ games:GAMES:/GAMES/"

##### OnSiteUnnuke #####
# !!! WARNING !!!
# the good work of this script depend of the length of the Nuke_Header in ioA
# the default ioA Nuke_Header is: [Nuked]-
# define here the ioA Nuke_Header you use !! don't remove {} !!
set IOA_NUKE_TAG {[Nuked]-}
# so the ioA_Nuke_Length should be set to 8 chars

##### OnSiteWipe #####
# EXPERIMENTAL substrings path for ppl who need it (README-1ST.TXT exemple 2)
# if you use exemple 2: set ND_SUBSTRINGS "/INCOMING /ARCHIVES"
# if you use exemple 1 & /ARCHIVES dir : set ND_SUBSTRINGS "/ARCHIVES"

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Old 06-07-2005, 04:03 AM   #284
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You added nfourl.itcl.

make 'init.itcl' on same dir and paste it.
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Old 06-07-2005, 06:15 AM   #285
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sorry big me error
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bounty, dupechecker, fun, link, m8s

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