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Old 07-27-2005, 03:50 PM   #1
Senior Member
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 282
Default nuke owner ?

I got this funny error..

after i updated ioa to 2.0.5

ioA been working perfect for me since 1,2.x..

but now it cant find owner..

check this

(@xxx) -site/iSO- ( NEW DiR ) ( APPS/nuke.owner.test-MEEE :: Me/Siteops ) -=destroy the sith, we must=-

(@xxx) -site/iSO- ( NUKE ) ( APPS/nuke.owner.test-MEEE :: 1x test0r :: nukees: @ (50.00MB) :: Me@Siteops )

[L] site nuke nuke.owner.test-MEEE 1 test0r
[L] 200--[Nuke]-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[L] 200- Unable to find owner of directory
[L] 200---------------------------------------------------------------------------[ioA]-

i tried setting the debug to 2..and got this..

07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - -enviroment variables----------------------------------------
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - user = zOrP
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - group = Siteops
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - creditsection = 0
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - uid = 103
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - gid = 2
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - groups = Siteops
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - statsection = 0
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - flags = 1MNVLTH
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - vfs = /iSO/APPS/
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - path = D:\Ftp\ISO\APPS
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - parameters = nuke.owner.test-MEEE 1 test0r
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Exist = Nuke already exist. Remove it and try again
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Source_Not_Found = Unable to find directory to nuke
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Other_Groups = You are not allowed to nuke other groups
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Does release contain -<groupname> at the end?
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Empty_Nuke_Text = Applying emptynuke with %mbMB to user %user@%group
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Empty_Nuke_Text_NA = Emptynuke is not enabled. No punishment will be given
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Empty_Dirowner_NA = Unable to find owner of directory
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Tag = [NUKED]-[%.0multix]-[by %user@%group]-[%reason]
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Total bytes: %10.2sizeMB Total credits: %10.2mbMB
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Output_Line = %-15user | %-15group | %10.2sizeMB | %10.2mbMB
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Head = [NUKED]-%directory
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Group_Flag = Z
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Log_File = C:\Programmer\ioFTPD\scripts\ioA\ioA.nuke.log
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Run_Script =
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Empty = 50
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Log_Nuke = "%vfs" "%user@%group" "%nukee@%nukeegroup" "%.0multi %.2size" "%reason"
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Create_Message_File = 1
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Create_Nuke_Tag = 1
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuke_Message_File = .ioFTPD.message
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - -------------------------------------------------------------
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - ioA Version: 2.0.5
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - nuke: nuke.owner.test-MEEE
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - multi: 1
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - reason: test0r
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - oldpath: D:\Ftp\ISO\APPS\nuke.owner.test-MEEE
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - newpath: D:\Ftp\ISO\APPS\[NUKED]-nuke.owner.test-MEEE
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Check if directories are present
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Checked directories if present
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Resolve owner of directory to nuke
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Unable to get owner of nuke directory
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Scanning files
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Emptynuke!!!!
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Cleaning incompletetags
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Messagefile: D:\Ftp\ISO\APPS\nuke.owner.test-MEEE\.ioFTPD.message
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Nuketag: D:\Ftp\ISO\APPS\nuke.owner.test-MEEE\[NUKED]-[1x]-[by zOrP@Siteops]-[test0r]
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Rename nuked dir
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Trying to kick from: D:\Ftp\ISO\APPS\nuke.owner.test-MEEE
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Running kick...start
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Running kick...stop. result=1, fail
07-27-2005 12:10:51 NUKE - Time to run command: 203ms

any ideas ?

nukelog says:

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Old 07-27-2005, 04:21 PM   #2
Senior Member
ioFTPD Scripter
Join Date: Sep 2002
Posts: 426

why it cant find the owner I dunno. if you check in flashfxp(or whatever you use) does it state the correct owner of the dir?
did it work with previous version you used?
if you only change exe to lets say 2.0.4 or 2.0.3 does it work?
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Old 07-28-2005, 07:45 AM   #3
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 282

strange.. i found my old cfg..
and now it works.. i double checked..
everything is the same.. but now it works..

Must be voodoo..
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Old 02-24-2007, 08:42 PM   #4
ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 68

can i see your config because I get the same thing and I don't know whats wrong.

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07-27-2005, 121051, directory, nuke, owner

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