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Old 02-03-2007, 12:32 AM   #1
ioFTPD Foundation User
Join Date: Nov 2003
Posts: 68
Question Nuke issue

I had this issue b4 and when searching through the forum I did not see an answer.
My iOA .CFG is
Nukes_Header = "-[Nukes]---------------------------------------------------------------------\n| Nuker | Nukees | Size | Reason |"
Nuke_Splitter = " "
Nuke_Exist = " Nuke already exist. Remove it and try again"
Nuke_Source_Not_Found = " Unable to find directory to nuke"
Nuke_Other_Groups = " You are not allowed to nuke other groups"
Nuke_Verify_Group = " Unable to verify group\n Does release contain -<groupname> at the end?"
Nuke_Head = "[Nuked]-%directory"
Nuke_Empty_Nuke = 50
Nuke_Empty_Nuke_Text = " Applying emptynuke with %mbMB to user %user@%group"
Nuke_Empty_Nuke_Text_NA = " Emptynuke is not enabled. No punishment will be given"
Nuke_Empty_Dirowner_NA = " Unable to find owner of directory"
Nuke_Log = ""%vfs" "%user" "%group" "%nukee" "%nukeegroup" "%.0multi" "%.2size" "%reason""
Nuke_Create_Message_File = 1
Nuke_Create_Nuke_Tag = 2
Nuke_Tag = "[NUKED]-[%.0multix]-[by %user@%group]-[%reason]"
Nuke_Group_Flag = Z
Nuke_Log_File = c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioA\ioA.nuke.log
Nuke_Output_Line = " %-15user | %-15group | %10.2sizeMB | %10.2mbMB"
Nuke_Output_Total = "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Total bytes: %10.2sizeMB Total credits: %10.2mbMB"
Nuke_Run_Script = ""
Nuke_File_Filter_0 = *.ioFTPD*
Nuke_Message_File = .ioFTPD.message
Nuke_Message_File_Src = c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioA\ioA.nuke.message.msg
Nuke_Single_Nukees_Log_Line = 0
# Following line is for one-line nukelogging
#Nuke_Log = ""%vfs" "%user" "%group" "%nukee" "%nukeegroup" "%.0multi" "%.2size" "%reason""

################################################## ##############################

UnNuke_No_Record_of_Nuke = " No record of nuke found"
UnNuke_Output_Line = " %user Bytes: %.2sizeMB Credits back: %.2mbMB"
UnNuke_Run_Script = "c:\script.exe unnuke %user %size %credits"
UnNuke_Output_Total = " Total bytes: %.2sizeMB Total credits: %.2mbMB"
UnNuke_Log = ""%vfs" "%user" "%group" "%nukee" "%nukeegroup" "%.0multi" "%.2size" "%reason""
UnNuke_Log_File = c:\ioA.unnuke.log
UnNuke_Create_Message_File = 1
UnNuke_Message_File_Src = c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioA\ioA.unnuke.message.msg
# Following line is for one-line unnukelogging
#UnNuke_Log = ""%vfs" "%user" "%group" "%nukee" "%nukeegroup" "%.0multi" "%.2size" "%reason""

When I try to nuke a dir I get 200--[Nuke]-------------------------------------------------------------------------
[R] 200- Unable to find owner of directory
[R] 200---------------------------------------------------------------------------[ioA]-
[R] 200- ioA execution time: 121ms
[R] 200 Command successful.

Debug Log:
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - -enviroment variables----------------------------------------
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - user = Intel
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - group = SiTEOPS
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - creditsection = 0
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - uid = 116
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - gid = 2
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - groups = SiTEOPS
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - statsection = 0
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - flags = 1MN
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - vfs = /DIVX/
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - path = U:/DIVX
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - parameters = You.Me.And.Dupree.TC.XviD-ASTEROiDS 1 test
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Exist = Nuke already exist. Remove it and try again
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Source_Not_Found = Unable to find directory to nuke
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Other_Groups = You are not allowed to nuke other groups
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Does release contain -<groupname> at the end?
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Empty_Nuke_Text = Applying emptynuke with %mbMB to user %user@%group
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Empty_Nuke_Text_NA = Emptynuke is not enabled. No punishment will be given
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Empty_Dirowner_NA = Unable to find owner of directory
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Tag = [NUKED]-[%.0multix]-[by %user@%group]-[%reason]
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Total bytes: %10.2sizeMB Total credits: %10.2mbMB
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Output_Line = %-15user | %-15group | %10.2sizeMB | %10.2mbMB
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Head = [Nuked]-%directory
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Group_Flag = Z
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Log_File = c:\ioFTPD\scripts\ioA\ioA.nuke.log
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Run_Script =
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Empty = 50
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Log_Nuke = "%vfs" "%user" "%group" "%nukee" "%nukeegroup" "%.0multi "%.2size" "%reason"
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Create_Message_File = 1
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Create_Nuke_Tag = 2
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuke_Message_File = .ioFTPD.message
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - -------------------------------------------------------------
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - ioA Version: 2.0.8
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - nuke: You.Me.And.Dupree.TC.XviD-ASTEROiDS
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - multi: 1
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - reason: test
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - oldpath: U:/DIVX\You.Me.And.Dupree.TC.XviD-ASTEROiDS
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - newpath: U:/DIVX\[Nuked]-You.Me.And.Dupree.TC.XviD-ASTEROiDS
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Check if directories are present
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Checked directories if present
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Resolve owner of directory to nuke
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Unable to get owner of nuke directory
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Scanning files
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Emptynuke!!!!
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Cleaning incompletetags
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Messagefile: U:/DIVX\You.Me.And.Dupree.TC.XviD-ASTEROiDS\.ioFTPD.message
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Nuketag: U:/DIVX\You.Me.And.Dupree.TC.XviD-ASTEROiDS\[NUKED]-[1x]-[by Intel@SiTEOPS]-[test]
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Rename nuked dir
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Trying to kick from: U:/DIVX\You.Me.And.Dupree.TC.XviD-ASTEROiDS
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Running kick...start
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Running kick...stop. result=1, fail
02-03-2007 01:25:33 NUKE - Time to run command: 121ms


Last edited by intel; 02-24-2007 at 09:01 PM.
intel is offline   Reply With Quote

%user, 012533, 02-03-2007, nuke, unable

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