Originally Posted by dany
-- How about ALT+F ?
I've given this some thought and I think the best solution for now might be to allow the user to open the window via a custom command, this way the user can define any unused shortcut to open the server file search.
The way this the user would create a new custom command via Commands > Edit Commands and then create a new command, and the new command is
/dialog server_file_search now you can define any desired shortcut and save the command, now pressing the shortcut key would open the dialog.
Originally Posted by dany
* I can add functionality to gray out the icon when a file/folder is queued.
-- Yes please, I'd appreciate that.
I have added this in this new build for you to test.
* Since we cannot minimize server file search dialog perhaps there is something else we can do, I am open to suggestions on how we can do this without confusion. At the moment I cannot think of an ideal solution to this, other than to just move the window so that you can keep it open while performing any additional tasks that you may need to do.
I have a new idea, I have allowed the window to be minimized with its own taskbar button, I am not 100% sure how well this will work and there might be some things that need to be tweaked.
Originally Posted by dany
-- The most important setting would be limiting the search depth.
Then the type (files/folders) and that's it.
I've been wanting to re-design the search input options for awhile now but it keeps getting put off by other things, when I do the re-design I will take this into consideration and provide a way for the user to save and load the settings.
Here's the new build, it adds the grayed icon when you queue a file, you can use the custom command explained above to define your own shortcut, and it has experimental support minimize for minimizing the dialog.
Download FlashFXP51_3856_Setup.exe
Download FlashFXP51_3856_Portable.exe